2:08 AM
Well what do you know?!
It's half way past the month of October!
I have barely felt September pass by and here you go, Octie, about to bid us goodbye, as well!
I say , October has been terrific so far!
For one thing,it's my birthday month,
and its my son's and daughter's birthday month , too.
Talk about celebrating good times , huh!
Well here are more reasons why the 10th month of 2013 spells Octoberific:
- The "Share Happiness" campaign video of my BOIS students was included in the happiness campaign segment of the Kapuso Mo , Jessica Sojo Show. Nothing beats the feeling of being able to touch other people's lives.
- Metal Empire reigned supreme in this year's Festival X Battle Royale. Despite being faced with "emotional" challenges among our members, metals showed malleability!Back to back Champions. Proud Momma to these kiddos.
- Its a working birthday for moi! Stressed out to the maximum level I may have been but as they say, its always sweet to reap victory ! We learn some , we beat some. Teehee!
- I'm blessed with family , friends, colleagues and students who were there to greet me and wish me the best for mah burtdi.
From my BOIS Kiddos who simply know what a coffee addict their mentor is!Awww, a burtdi serprise from my son. Thanks, Kuya!BMC is love!Tenchu much for the flowers, Poppy!Wearing a brand new wireless earphone from Tita Nitzand looking very much like a call center agent! Hahahaha!
- GBG Gensan ranked # 1 in the Philippines! # 2 in Asia , and # 3 in the world! How great can that be!Proud member, yes I am, yes I am!
- As part of the BOIS Spread Happiness Campaign, we have recognized the unsung heroes of our school: The Student Assistants!
- Me running again in MILO's National Marathon before you, OCTIE, finally bids us all your sweet Goodbye!
Looking forward toNovember!I sure hope its going to be as fruitful andas awesome asOctober!